Monday, May 10, 2010


A few years back, Matthew Graves, a co-worker and friend, came up to me and asked if I wanted to be in a OMTV Short Halloween Special.  I excitedly said yes and worked with his wife, Melissa Graves, to create Tricks and Treats.  This is also the first short film I have been involved with.  I play a drugged up, escaped psycho.  Enjoy the horror!

During the a summer workshop, put together by Media and Documentary Projects, I was called in to come help.  I was lead to believe that I would be setting up lights or working a camera or maybe even running to grab something the others forgot.  When I arrived, Micah handed me a script and told me I was the star, I had an hour to get ready...  Here is the final outcome and it is actually pretty good.

My most recent work was another Halloween Special made by Matthew Graves.  So far, it is my favorite work and I have been getting nothing but positive feedback from it.  Footsteps.