Monday, May 10, 2010


A few years back, Matthew Graves, a co-worker and friend, came up to me and asked if I wanted to be in a OMTV Short Halloween Special.  I excitedly said yes and worked with his wife, Melissa Graves, to create Tricks and Treats.  This is also the first short film I have been involved with.  I play a drugged up, escaped psycho.  Enjoy the horror!

During the a summer workshop, put together by Media and Documentary Projects, I was called in to come help.  I was lead to believe that I would be setting up lights or working a camera or maybe even running to grab something the others forgot.  When I arrived, Micah handed me a script and told me I was the star, I had an hour to get ready...  Here is the final outcome and it is actually pretty good.

My most recent work was another Halloween Special made by Matthew Graves.  So far, it is my favorite work and I have been getting nothing but positive feedback from it.  Footsteps.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Links to other artist

Here are a few links to other artist that I admire or just like.  Enjoy

The Cookie Sculpture

 The Cookie Sculpture, Made completely from cookies, 4/28/2010

This project took some hassles to overcome.  The first time I tried to make this, the cookies turned out hard and not very good looking.  Eventually, they broke apart.  I then changed a few things by switching to a thinner cooking sheet and a smaller, older oven.  The cookies turned out great and were easy to work with once they had cooled over night.  Cookie Sculpture made out of Cookies By Cookie!  GET IT?!


 Resistance, Black and White parts are made from wood and painted with acrylic paint , Red and Blue are made from Hot Glue Sticks and are colored with ink, 3/30/2010

This piece was made to represent forces avoiding each other.  The Black and White pieces show the different values in each line while the Red and Blue one demonstrates my overall view of the piece.

Friday, April 9, 2010

 Hot Wheels cover #1 (11 in x 8.5 in), Illustrator, 4/8/2010

I am currently working on finishing up my Hot Wheels packaging project and figuring out which of the few I have I am going to use over all.  Right now, I'm leaning towards this one.  I will also be painting the car to match it's cover as well.  I am actually planning on dropping a lot in this picture and replacing it with other things but I'm not sure yet.  Feedback would be really nice.

Lost and Shadow clips

My upcoming movie, Lost and Shadow, is coming along well.  So far, I have part of the music down and some of the clips of the movie ready to be viewed.  More to come soon.

 Scene 9.1 (20.2 in x 16.5 in), Photoshop, 4/8/2010

 Scene 9.2 (20.2 in x 16.5 in), Photoshop, 4/8/2010

The Shoe Project: Shoe Reflecting Air, Shoe Spin, Flying Shoes, and Shoebrush

 Shoe Reflecting Air (8.5 in x 11 in), Illustrator, 3/9/2010

 Shoe Spin (11 in x 8.5 in), Illustrator, 3/9/2010

 Flying Shoes (11 in x 8.5 in), Illustrator, 3/9/2010

 Shoebrush (8.5 in x 11 in), Illustrator, 3/9/2010

Each part of my Shoe Project is a different style of how to handle the shoe and to make it look different while still using the same outline drawing in all four of them.  None of these projects were inspired by anything or anyone, more or less the Shoe Project was simply an experiment to see what different things I could create while keeping the same theme (shoe) and the same drawing.

There are about 12 different pieces in the Shoe Project but I decided to only post my 4 favorite instead of all 12.  Mostly because some of the others are similar to the ones posted.

After Sins: The Self Portrait

 Wrath (11 in x 8.5 in), Photoshop, 3/9/2010

 Lust (11 in x 8.5 in), Photoshop, 3/9/2010

After Sins: The Self Portrait portrays the after math and effects of sin rather than the sins themselves.  Like Pure, Gray, Madness, this project consist of pictures of Patti Brummett and pictures around Oxford, MS and Sardis Lake.  I wanted to create a self portrait without the use of me in them but rather my illustrations and stories.


 Rings (8.5 in x 11 in), Illustrator, 2/16/2010

Rings is my first project from Art 360.  Three rings stacked on top of each other, then traced and redrawn into what you see now.  The bottom ring is a gift from a good friend and acts as the bass, holding up to the other two.  In the center is my class ring from high school and the top ring is a ring that a friend of mine let me barrow for the purpose of this project.

I do have plans at some point to go back and redo this project again, getting more of the detail of the top ring and drawing out the shadows instead of leaving them like they are, despite the fact that I like how the shadows are real when the drawing isn't.

Pure, Gray, Madness

 Pure (8.5 in x 11 in), photoshop, 2/16/2010

 Gray (8.5 in x 11 in), photoshop, 2/16/2010

 Madness (8.5 in x 11 in), photoshop, 2/16/2010

Pure, Gray, Madness is my first photoshop project.  All three parts of the project consist of pictures of Patti Brummett and various areas around Oxford and Sardis Lake.  All three pieces work together to illustrate a transition from something that is of purity and good to something gray and unsure, to something maddening and chaotic.  The inspiration for this project came from Edgar Allan Poe's The Bells, which also illustrates the movement from innocent to darkness.

Madness is my favorite out of the three parts.  Unlike Pure where I put the picture of the sunset over the pictures of Patti and used the eraser tool to make her come through, and the Gray piece where I used black and white and a blur outline tool to make them all fit together, Madness was first done like the Gray piece but then I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool to cut pieces out of the each picture to make the picture behind it poke out.  Giving almost a broken glass effect.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Finished Projects to be posted soon:
Photoshop Project:  Pure, Grey, Madness
Illustrator Project:  Shoes (working title)
Short Narrative Film:  Footsteps by Matthew Graves
Short Narrative Film:  Tricks and Treats by Matthew Graves

Projects currently in work:
Short Narrative Film:  Lost And Shadow (On hold)
Short Narrative Film/Music Video: Behind (working title)
Short Experimental Film:  Of The (working title)
Short Documentary:  Paranormal Documentary (working title)
Feature Documentary:  The Camp Bratton-Green Documentary
Illustrator Project:  Cars (working title)
SEC National Spot:  The Art Department

Projects still on hold:
Short Narrative Film:  The Powerful Bad Luck of D.D. Dupree by Frank Tuttle